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COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, situation report and safety measures at ILTI.




To all our customers, partners and suppliers,



Following the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy and its recent escalation, we want to inform you all about the current situation and the safety measures taken by ILTI to address the emergency.


We inform that our production and our offices are active, and that all ongoing projects and orders will be delivered as scheduled. Our Service support is operational, with remote connections to ensure safety and effectiveness.


ILTI is scrupulously abiding to the latest government and healthcare guidelines, and is enforcing adequate measures to ensure the continuity of its activities with the utmost attention to the safety of its team.



  • All scheduled meetings, both in Italy and abroad, have been postponed or replaced with conference calls. The same goes for Service interventions, with our technicians currently supporting all customers with remote connection.
  • Smart working policies have been activated whenever possible. The staff on site has been hence reduced to the bare minimum with an additional shift turnover to ensure than only one person per room is present. Any assembly within the premises is thoroughly avoided.
  • Appropriate disinfection and prevention supplies are made available, and any interpersonal contact occurs in full compliance with the health The team is constantly made aware of the prevention and safety measures to be taken and on daily developments with the emergency situation.
  • Access to the premises for external parties is limited to special and indispensable cases, while incoming deliveries are received in the dedicated outdoor areas, in compliance with the necessary containment measures. Any commute is reduced to the bare minimum and managed with the utmost care.
  • No cases within the company and its connections have been reported so far, but ILTI is ready to cooperate with the authorities in charge should necessity arise.


In this challenging period, it is crucial that we all cooperate to overcome the crisis. We are sure to be able to rely on your support, just as you can count on our utmost commitment in both preventing the spread of the virus and in guaranteeing our usual service and quality.


We are constantly monitoring the daily developements of the situation, and we'll make sure to keep all of you updated.


Best regards from the entire Team.